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I am always with You

My children I am God your Father, I have prepared you in your mother’s womb to be created in My image, the Living God. I have given you life, believe and know you are a creature of God made in My image. No human person without Me can be nurtured and given life without My hand of grace. I AM the Creator, the Redeemer and Sanctifier of the human race. I AM the Trinitarian God who brought forth all of humanity, We are One. The gift of life given to you is meant to glorify God in all your acts, for these acts are in My Will. Pray for the Divine Will to reign upon the earth so My kingdom will come, the Father has spoken so to bring life to all. There is not one child created in My image that does not have My life within them, therefore I breathe forth My Will into your being to

bring forth the Kingdom of My Will into your acts. Take My Will that I give you, freely accept it and be alive in My Will with all your acts. This was little Luisa’s life a continuous act in My Will through My Son who gave her this gift to bring forth the coming of the kingdom, the reign of God – the Trinity on earth, for this will be the final act. THE LOVE OF THE TRINITY AND THE TRIUMPH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, FOR WITHIN HER HEART WILL THE REIGN OF ALL MANKIND BE ESTABLISHED TO GLORIFY GOD AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE. You may not visually see this now, but it will be manifested to each one of you. I will purify the earth in this continuous act of My Will, for man cannot continue a sinful lifestyle and all must be purified. I will bring My reign on earth to establish My Kingdom for all My Children who have given Me their Wills. I assure you this will come My Children, it will come and manifest My Kingdom, just continue your acts and I will bring forth My Reign – the Trinitarian Reign of Love through the Heart of the Immaculate One, Mary. I am with you always in your acts of the Divine Will


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